Steroid bust in Stamford, Connecticut.

“Wojciech “Tom” Kielczynski, 24, of 89 Euclid Ave., Stamford, was arrested after police searched his apartment and found several different types of illegal anabolic steroids and other drugs, including ketamine, human growth hormone and MJ.

Fontneau said investigators learned Kielczynski sold steroids, MJ and X from his apartment. When police arrived at Kielczynski’s apartment with a search warrant Thursday afternoon, he told police he had “juice” in his home, police said.

Police found the steroids in a rolled-up pair of jeans, Fontneau said. Investigators also discovered MJ, syringes and a digital scale, police said; In a refrigerator, they found 21 bottles of human growth hormone.

The steroids were worth $900, and three bottles of K were worth $300, Fontneau said.”

3 responses to “Steroid bust in Stamford, Connecticut.

  1. Hi there! This comment isn't particular related to this post in particular, but I noticed your named on a comment you left linked to this URL. I shall be keeping an eye on it, lots of interesting articles too. Are you on Twitter to follow? Any hows, just to let you know the steroid experiment has been cracking on in case you weren't aware (I was waiting for work to get less busy and you left a comment asking us to get our butts into action – we have :-)).Hope to hear from you!

  2. i know this kid… he was on a 364 day supended sentance befor this happend and he is still not in jail… how is that one might ask??? any input??

  3. y is he not in jail… he was on a 364 day supended sentance…

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